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The site CONTENT is focused on international cooperation of schools from Poland , Bulgaria and Turkey, supported by ERASMUS programme.
These schools share their experiences and new practices in science teaching.
STEAM education develops the competencies of the future.
In today's world, where technology is developing at a very dynamic pace, we focus on creative learning methods.
To make learning at our schools more accessible and attractive, we use STEAM education. STEAM is an approach to education focused on meeting the needs of the modern world, educating creative, open-minded people equipped with the competences of the future. STEAM focuses on design science, using five key thematic blocks: science, technology, engineering, art and math.
S - science

STEAM appeared in our school as part of the Erasmus+ "Time for coding – it is all around us now" project. Together with teachers from Turkey and Bulgaria, we learn and implement the STEAM method to work with preschoolers and students in grades 1-4.



MOBILITY 1 POLAND - February 2023



We got to know partner schools.
We have settled the competition for the logo of the project - the idea of the Bulgarian school won.
We participated in a concert and dance workshops at the Center for International Cooperation in "Grodno".
In the evening we watched the sky and took part in a scientific lecture on astronomy and methods of teaching it to the youngest students.
Day 2 TRIP
The participants visited the island of Wolin and Świnoujście. We visited the Marine Station of the University of Szczecin in Międzyzdroje.
Students and teachers participated in two STEAM education workshops led by Joanna Szczecińska:
- Why is the LED on?
- Where do sounds come from?
During the workshops, MAKEY MAKEY equipment.
That day we also visited the Planetarium and the Museum of the Wolin National Park
We took part in the presentation of films and other tasks related to famous scientists from different countries.
We organized SKY ATLAS astronomical workshops. Participants traveled with their passports to task stations related to e.g. with astronomy. They were:
- Constellations - arranging star constellations using various unusual materials, e.g. sticks, marshmallows or rubber bands,
- scientific coloring pages using the Quiver application, which brings the picture to life after completing the task,
- mathematical origami - syntax of solids according to the instructions,
- astronomical quiz in the school library - self-assembly of questions related to the planets of the solar system,
- OSMO station - interactive educational games in the field of coding, mathematics, drawing, basic physics and astronomy, puzzles with virtual clues,
- traditional and digital maps - map reading, finding distances between towns, measuring distances,
- Map of the sky using the NIGHT SKY sky scanning application - identification of stars, planets and satellites, finding the Sun and your own constellations,
- 3D printers - developing programming competences using Tinkercad, creating your own projects and printing them on a 3D printer.
Coding classes for different age groups.
- Kindergarten classes "Coding on the carpet" - children coding on the carpet with the help of coding mats and plastic cups in different colors developed cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, visual and auditory analysis and motor coordination. An important aspect was also the ability to plan activities and formulate conclusions.
- class 2 coded physical activities. Each color was associated with physical activity, e.g.; green - we jump like frogs, red we swing like branches, yellow - we hang baubles, blue - we throw snowballs. The teacher showed a colored disc indicating the activity that the student should perform, simultaneously with the colored disc he showed a number. The number of repetitions was as indicated by the disc with the number.
- class 3 worked in the Tynker application, through simple games and fun, children learn the relationship between giving commands and the action visible on the screen.
- class 4 and 5 worked using the mBlock Blocky application for mBot, where, using simple tools and step-by-step instructions, children built and modified the robot, in this way they mastered the basics of block programming and developed logical thinking and design skills. The Swift Playgrounds application was also used, which is designed to teach programming by solving interactive puzzles. By playing with this app, students start coding on iPads in English using Swift. Each new concept is first illustrated with animations, there are lessons that teach basic programming concepts and ways to solve problems, which motivates children even more to work.
That day we ended our joint meeting. In the closing ceremony, we summarized the activities of the whole week, discussed the effects of work and activities, handed out gifts and celebrated a successful week together with a sweet treat. We also learned our partners' dances and tasted local delicacies from Turkey and Bulgaria.


Bulgaria is a country of diverse landscapes and a depth of history which results in a nation filled with natural beauty and cultural richness that dates back to ancient times.
With high rocky peaks home to picturesque mountains, huge national parks where endangered animals roam wild, and swathes of sandy beaches that hug the Black Sea, along with relics of the Soviet rule, there is something for everyone to discover in the bold and this beautiful Balkan country. Numerous tourist attractions in Bulgaria might attract your trip inspiration.
Close to the village of Krushuna, nested in a lush forested landscape among the many karst rock formations, are the Krushuna Falls. The tallest of the falls is 20 meters high, where the turquoise water then splits into smaller falls and cascades over hunks of limestone, forming gentle pools and curious curves in the rock.
It is easy for visitors to reach the waterfalls and explore the surrounding area over bridges and steps. One pathway leads to a hidden cave where the source of the waterfall can be found – the spring is said have health benefits and is still a popular spot for locals from the nearby village.

The classic dome shape of Vitosha Mountain sits close to the urban sprawl of the city of Sophia and is where people go to take a break from the city and enjoy nature. With its own ski resort, pleasant hiking routes and fantastic panoramic views of the city below, the mountain is easily accessible from the city and can be reached by bus, on foot, and ropeways.
Vitosha Mountain’s highest point is 2,290 meters high and attracts visitors all year round who are drawn there to explore the Vitosha Nature Park, which is actually the oldest in the Balkans, and covers most of the mountain, as well as the mineral springs in the foothills.
Situated in the heart of the stunning city of Sofia is the iconic symbol of Bulgaria: the Aleksander Nevsky Cathedral. Paid for by the people of the city and built between the years 1882 and 1912, the cathedral was constructed to honor the lives of the 200,000 Russian soldiers who were killed fighting in the Russo-Turkish war for Bulgaria’s freedom from the rule of the Ottomans.
The cathedral itself is ornately detailed, with a decadent 45-meter high, gold-plated dome. Inside, you can walk among the many intricate mosaics, meaningful murals and depictions of saints and angels; huge chandeliers hang low, dripping in decadent gold, whilst the solid wood of the altar and pews is delicately carved.

of Bulgarian Mobility
Bulgarian Mobility- 
Main Theme: Astronomy and Planets 
1.Class Observation of STEAM lesson/Denimila/ - Grade 3 Theme: Venus Planet
2.Class Observation of a STEAM lesson /Ralitsa/- Grade 3/ aged 10/ Theme: Neptune Planet
3.Workshop – Zhaklin – Grade 4 /aged 11/ Theme: Mineral on Earth
4.Workshop- Danaila- Preschoolers /aged 6-7/ Theme: The magic of Germination Wednesday /Day 3/
5.CLASSESS OBSERVATION 3 STEAM classes with Science teacher Denimila and Music teacher Vessela
 6.Guests visit mixed classes /Galaxies/ Teachers: Danaila and Vanya Chobanova 7.How to integrate Science games into the learning process- discussions and reflections. MUSEUMS AND BRIDGES OF SOFIA -PHOTOWALK
 1.SOFIA REGIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM -https://www.sofiahistorymuseum.bg/en/ 2.MUSEUM OF THE MODERN ART KVADRAT - 500 https://nationalgallery.bg/visiting/kvadrat-500/ On the second and third days of our AstroSTEAM adventure, in the Bulgarian household project 'Time for Coding,' which is part of the Erasmus exchange for sharing best practices in education, a series of interdisciplinary lessons and workshops took place, proving to be intriguing, engaging, and filled with new knowledge and skills. 



Packed to the brim with ancient monuments left over from a parade of empires, and endowed with showcase scenery that never fails to impress, Turkey is a dazzling destination that straddles Asia and Europe.
Its vibrant culture, famous food, and vast history wow all who venture here, while its glorious landscapes, from the sun-soaked Mediterranean to the mighty mountains and arid steppe, are tourist attractions in themselves.
Whether you want to lap up the Byzantine and Ottoman glories of Istanbul on a city break, laze on the beach, delve into history wandering through ruins such as Ephesus, or see some of the world's most surreal panoramas in Pamukkale and Cappadocia, this country offers visitors a wide range of histprocal and traditional sites form distant and recent past.

Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 im. prof. dra Wladyslawa Szafera w Wapnicy

What are the organisation's main activities?
"The school is located on the Wolin Island in the vicinity of Wolin National Park near the Turquoise Lake. Our mission is to undertake educational activities in the field of ecology and modern technologies. Pro-ecological activities are a priority for us. The International Green Flag Certificate (Eco-Schools) is awarded to us. The most important activities are: Recycling Days, Cleaning Up the World, Tree Day, Earth Day, Spring Day. All our activities we want to develop using modern technologies. We have introduced modern technologies in our school since 2008. Our students and teachers use iPad and different applications in the learning-teaching process. The important fact is that we implemented Dalton Plan in our school. Teaching using this method is based on three pillars: responsibility, independence, cooperation, which determine the student's attitude towards the duties and towards school."
"Our school has implemented modern technologies since 2008. We implement it as a support of education process. Our school classrooms are equipped in the interactive monitors. Each student and teacher is equipped in the school iPad. We have a lot of hardware and computer equipment as for example science, bio-chemistry, environmental interactive labs, 3D printer, Mboots. Students and teachers use modern technologies: multimedia equipment, educational applications in their everyday work. We practice programming and coding in everyday work. We take part in Code Week and use for example Playgrouns, Scratch application an code in Swift. We also develop and continue our ecological and pro-nature activities. We regularly organize Recycling Days and other nature days as Cleaning Up the World, Tree Day, Earth Day, Spring Day. We participate in many different projects. Ecological awareness and living in a harmony with nature is in the school curriculum and is a very important aspect or our work

Karacabey Ataturk Ilkokulu - Bursa, Turkey

What are the organisation's main activities?
Our school is the largest primary school in terms of number of students with a strong background.Our school is the third oldest school, opened in 1962, is a strong institution in Karacabey, with 640 students,575 parents,33 teachers,administrators and assistant staff. Our school is a full-time educational institution. Our school also offers preschool education and 100 (25x4) students in 4 branches with 100% occupancy in pre-school education.The purpose of
the school is to educate the social life, family and collecting good citizens as well as academic educators.Academic Education includes lecture, music and physical education courses as well as literacy courses, mathematics,English, science and social sciences courses.
In order to reach success in education and training and to strengthen families communication and communication with parents, a family education program consisting of 14 sessions in the form of 2 groups of 42 families with children aged 7- 11 years is carried out by our school Psychological Counselor and Guidance Teacher.These sessions include: introduction and content of the program, passing quality time with the child and playing, effective communication skills, giving positive behavior, changing unwanted behavior, emotional regulation, physical and sexual development, social and academic development, family situational, family attitudes, social emotional behavioral problems, children's rights,
neglect, abuse and violence, sensitivity to special needs individuals.

Dr Peter Beron Private Secondary School - Sofia, Bulgaria

school partner BULGARIA image
What are the organisation's main activities?
Offers education in two age groups- primary and low secondary school. Teaches foreign langugaes from an early age ,since 6 year-old. Private school bu fully under control of the National Ministry of Education with a school curriculum legally aproved and tetsed. The school also provides extended classes for team sports, ballet, art and history, aiming to broaden
the cultural knowledge of the students and develop both respectful and analytical attitudes to our modern times. Language training is paid exclusive attention, the school was one of the first in the country, participating in National Innovation plan of the Ministry of Education, defending a project Independent Learner for Intensive foreign language trainin. Theschool also pepares its students into competitve Math and regulary participates into all national and international Math
competitions advertised in our country. The institution is also a member of the Private Schools’ Organization of all chartered shools in the country. The school keeps students into all-day stay regime , organizing for the students middayrest, lunch and green area to relax. For busy parents , who can take their children later, there is a whole-year schedule for after classes Atelie.
Extra curricular activities are wide range. Subjects but are taught in extended number of classes and offer more detailed aprroach.
Primary students, age 8-10. Low secondary students, age 11-14. T
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